Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Evaluation of our Music Video.

We did a music video to Megan Nicoles Medley mashup + Each of us all had parts in it to do separately. (Me, Samsia, Shalini + Mizbah)

1. I think all of us worked very well for the first time together considering that me + mizbah didnt know Samsia + Shalini before and working together making this music video and helping one and other out was great and helpful. Despite the fact that Mizbah dropped out but we still managed to do well at the end. We helped each other with editing and had a lot of group discussions and agree'd with each other also listened to different opinions :). Although at times there weren't much communication. I think we managed to do well with the short time we had to put everything together because there were times when the schedule didnt go according to the times we decided we'd shoot and Mizbah's video wasn't going right or the camera had problems. But eventually we managed to patch things up and get it done in time. We helped each other by editing our each parts and putting them together also putting our idea's together on the video we all participated in.

2. At times not everyone in the group would communicate with each other for example if someone was stuck or struggling they wouldn't speak up or ask any of the other team members to help. I think the problem was that the group had never communicated with each other before and it took time to settle in and start helping each other.  In the end we managed to get to know one and other and put our judgements aside and actually get on together and complete the video. 



5.How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

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